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Characteristics of textile wastewater and selection of polyacrylamide

The textile industry is a traditional pillar industry and an important civilian production industry in China. It is also an industrial industry with obvious international competitive advantages and comparative advantages. Due to the large water consumption in the production process and the large wastewater discharge, the textile industry also uses raw material components in the production process. The complexity makes the textile industry always a key industry for industrial sewage. In order to prevent the pollution of textile mill wastewater, Capitel polyacrylamide flocculant is an indispensable industrial aid in the environmental protection industry, which has a very good effect on the treatment of sewage.


Sources of textile wastewater

1. Desizing wastewater: contains various pulps and their decomposition products, fiber scraps, acid and alkali, enzyme pollutants, etc., starch pulp wastewater has high BOD and COD, synthetic pulp wastewater has high COD, and BOD is less than 5mg/L;

2. Bleaching wastewater: a lot of water and light pollution;

3. Mercerized wastewater: it is alkaline, with a pH value of 12-13, containing a large amount of suspended matter such as fiber debris, and bod and cod values are very high;

4. Dyeing wastewater: With different fiber types, dye types and concentrations, additives and scale, the degree of pollution of wastewater is different, mainly including organic dyes and surfactants, showing higher alkaline COD and BOD, suspended solids less;

5. Printing wastewater: mainly contains organic dyes, surfactants and other pollutants, with high cod and bod values;

6. Process wastewater treatment: It mainly contains fiber sheet, resin, formaldehyde, oil agent and slurry, and has little water content.


Characteristics of textile wastewater

1. Sewage generated during the cooking and bleaching process of knitted fabrics in textile mills. This kind of sewage mainly has high solid suspended solids concentration and low chroma.

2. Sewage generated during printing and dyeing of knitted fabrics in textile mills. This kind of sewage mainly has low solid suspended solids concentration and high chroma.

Selection of polyacrylamide for textile wastewater

1. The role of polyacrylamide in textile wastewater is usually the physical and chemical process and biochemical process we mentioned.

Physical and chemical process: Generally, non-ionic or anionic polyacrylamide is used;

Biochemical process: Generally, non-ionic or cationic polyacrylamide is used.


How to use polyacrylamide

1. The product is usually prepared as a 0.05%-0.5% (W/W) solution for later use.

2. When dissolving, the product should be evenly dispersed, and stirring can help dissolve.

3. When using it, water with lower hardness should be used to avoid the use of metal materials and other dissolving tanks and tanks that easily affect the water quality.

4. Increasing the water temperature can accelerate the fast dissolution rate, but the general water temperature can not exceed 50 ℃.


1. When preparing the PAM aqueous solution, it should be carried out in enamel, galvanized, aluminum or plastic barrels, and cannot be prepared and stored in iron containers.

2. The PAM aqueous solution should be ready for use. When the dissolving solution is left for a long time, its performance will gradually decrease depending on the water quality.

Guangdong Shouxin Environmental Protection Materials Technology Co., Ltd. is a global polyacrylamide brand with stable quality, mainly including cationic polyacrylamide, anionic polyacrylamide, non-ionic polyacrylamide, zwitterionic polyacrylamide four series products, free home sampling , Experimental selection, to provide you with better solutions at a lower price.

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Record number:Guangdong ICP No. 16127109-1

Address:Guangdong, China